Make a donation to Beagle Paws Rescue and your contribution goes directly to helping beagles, protecting them from abuse, and bringing them into loving homes throughout Canada.
Making a donation to Beagle Paws Rescue helps us protect these beautiful animals from abuse, a life outdoors, and poor treatment. Your donation goes directly to housing, feeding, and protecting beagles across Canada.
Beagle Paws spends over $130,000.00 on veterinary expenses per year. It is through fundraising events and donations from caring individuals that we are able to provide this necessary vet care.
Where does your money go?
towards spay and neuter of beagles in our care
provide medical treatment for beagles in emergency cases
support senior beagles through our beagle fospice program
help spread awareness of the proper care and treatment of beagles
Canadian Registered Charity No. 885428003RR0001

Beagle Paws Rescue is currently looking for donations of the following items:
Dog kennels, wire or plastic: 23″ high
Dog food – Grain Free (note: we do not accept “Old Roy” dog food or rawhide dog treats)
Donations of used goods to our Thrift Store
Donations of new items for Auction Fundraisers

Has your dog recently passed or do you have medication that you no longer need, consider donating it for a foster beagle. Get in touch

Beagle Paws provides support to rescued senior beagles that just need live out their Golden Years with quality of life. Monthly sponsorship opportunities are available.

When planning your estate, consider including Beagle Paws in your will. A charitable bequest in your will offers many benefits, including flexibility and tax relief, and allows you to make a donation of a specific amount or a percentage of your estate. For more information contact us at info@beaglepaws.com.
To donate items to our thrift store get in touch with us for the best time to drop off items at thriftstore@beaglepaws.com.

Working on our behalf, Donate a Car Canada will accept your vehicle for donation - running, or not. There is no cost to you, and Donate a Car Canada will facilitate all aspects of your car donation from the pick-up to the final sale, ensuring that your vehicle will be sold for the highest sale outcome possible. They will then forward the net proceeds on to us here at Beagle Paws and we will send you a tax receipt!